The goofy things you learn about babies, parenting and life when it all happens at once. We weren’t even married one full year when we found out I was pregnant with our precious Strawberry. I wasn’t even in 21 yet. And when she came, we had just passed our one year of marriage mark. Goodness our adventure so far has been crazy and we learned so many things, from crazy things, things I should have known but didn’t pay attention, things that I was never told, and even unfathomable things. This kinda stuff you only learn with experience, (which I have very little. My bundle of joy is not even two months!) It didn’t matter how many books read, prayers, articles I skimmed, more prayers, advice I took, prayers I prayed, advice I listened too, prayed again, but for some reason nobody writes about this stuff. REallyI think there should a be a book for every individual baby born. When our baby comes, we simply rent the book and all the advise and steps are right there to take care of him. (Yeah right! Only in my dreams!) Nothing actually made me prepared, until God threw right into it.
One of things I knew, but wish I actually listened too, was to actually sleep when baby sleeps. (I know. Crazy! I swear I am the opposite of everyone else.) While every other new mommy I know jumped at every chance to sleep, I jumped at the chance to do everything but sleep. Usually this ended with half mental case, self-sleep deprived lunatic, talking to the baby about beads and why Leonardo da Vinci was a genius, while poor hubby went without dinner again.
I have no idea how my hubby did survived the first few weeks. I am not sure what I ate, but from what I am told, Hubby survived on Fritos and bananas. *look of embarrassment* *another mother and wife of the year award for my wall*
One thing I wish was taken out of my head was the idea that I was superwoman! Oh yes, I can be super woman! I am super woman! I can have dinner cooking by lunch time, lunch already for hubby to eat, my homework for college done, and helping hubby with his while he eats, while at the same time putting away laundry and sweeping my constantly dirty tile floors. Toss in the baby, *laugh.* HA! I now loathe the superwoman idea. Goodness, the drive to do everything kept nagging at me! I couldn’t stop! It wouldn’t stop. I would get everything done and have nothing done at all! And I would do all again in over and over! Trying to keep up with hubby house home and baby all at one time! *breathe* Then someone told me…its okay that the floors go upswept for a week, and hubby was okay with not eating 3 course dinner every night. He could make do with Fritos and bananas for the first few days. And baby doesn’t hate you because you are giving her a bath. What I really needed to concentrate on was taking care of what really needed to done. Baby needed to be fed and cared for on time, make sure hubby has plenty to eat even if it not super tasty, at least have made bed to come home too and its totally fine to wash only the necessity clothes on laundry day. You’ll tackle that mountain piling high later.
Somewhere after Strawberry reached her month mark things got a lot easier. Laundry wasn’t as high as before and I think I can start seeing my floor again! A miracle!
Now this is just a taste, of goes on here at my tiny apartment. There is so much more that happens, its scary. Sometimes I wish that perfect big house, each room decorated to my style and taste. Huge lawn waiting for when my kiddos get older to play in. Heck, if it was my way, I would already have my homeschool year plan planned out for each one of my children…but alas, I am not this wonder woman of glory. Instead, I live in my small apartment, where baby sleep in our bed, I craft at my kitchen table as well as blog. Only a few days ago I remembered to give a friend her wedding gift that I suppose to give back in April and return dishes from sweet families who gave use meals that I was suppose to return back in May!*sigh* I am so glad my Lord is so patient and merciful.
Anywhoalls. Until next time!
P.S. These are just random photo that I love. One of hubby and Strawberry sleeping and the other of my daddi with my Pom, Cali playing on him.