Its been just few days after I hit my two month mark from the day I gave birth to my bundle of joy Strawberry. Yes, 2 wonderful months that so far has made me and expert in motherhood! (Ha! I wish!) However, though still a new mommy and far from knowing everything, I have learned a lot of things that I never thought of, took little consideration, and stuff that I pretty much ignored cause I thought I knew better and knew it all. (Hehehe, was I so wrong and paid for it.)
So these are the top ten things I learned after pregnancy.
1.) My baby getting a shot is so much worse than my own labor pains! Its so sad and and true! There I was holding my sleeping baby girl, cuddled warmly against me in a diaper waiting for the doctor. Totally unaware of the pain to come and it my fault!!! It may be for her good, but it still feel horrible to watch them cry like that.
2.) Life is really a musical for a baby. Who knows how many times I break out in song singing about changing her diaper, getting clean, puking on momi, and napping with daddy. "Getting our diaty changed, Yes we are." Is so far her favorite cause she smiles whil I change a diaper...or it could be she is smiling to avoid me singing something worse!
3.) Bananas have become my best friend. I eat them, I buy them, I make banana bread, muffins and pudding, and I pretty much can't live without them. I am not sure why, its just so.
4.) Baby coos are better than any orchestra or master musician. I mean seriously, how can Yo-Yo-Ma match her little squeaks! Beethoven can not her little voice no matter what people tell me! My little girl and future babies to come sound way cuter and masterful than a whole symphony!
5.) I watch and keep track of diapers more than I do the bills. Oh yes, this one never seem to go away. Just the other day I had the doctor laughing at me because I was worried about her diapers and when I get home I am greeted with a mailbox with a letter telling me late on a bill, which I paid, but just send payment late! *sigh* Do you ever get your brain back after babies?Maybe that is why I am choosing to home school.
6.) After birth I learned, my husband lost like ten pounds and I had about 20 to lose!!! ARGH!!! Is that fair? I mean sure the weight gain was so worth the baby, but seriously!?! Who gave the man permission to lose weight while I look like melon!?!?!
7.)Nesting doesn't stop or doesn't get done and . Sadly, I thought it would, because I would get back to normal with a baby in the routine. No, dishes are never clean enough to use or never get done. Laundry has to be done exactly right or is left to be a mountain and food either is 5 star worth or nothing! I think I still might have hormones...
8.) Naps are worth so much more than gold!!! I liked and took naps before I got pregnant, before I even met my husband, but it wasn't until after the baby I realized their value! Believe me my friend, cherish your few naps!
9.) Its is totally okidokie to take my child to the zoo! I know I know, she may not know the difference between a bear pit and her own backyard, but it makes me happy and the zoo if free.
10.) My phone is my life line!! With it little built in calender and address book it pretty much runs mu social life at this point. And through the magic voices of the outside world, called friends and family, I am kept up to date! Also has an alarm built into it to wake up and and go off when I need to be somewhere! By then though I should already be out the door and on my way someplace, but hey at least I am trying!
So anywhoalls, I learned a lot more than just these ten things, but these where the ones that stood out the most. Crazy but this my life so far! Love you all!
God bless!
Pic of my Strawberry and my belly when I was pregnant.
That's life for you sis!