Sunday, November 3, 2013

Happy Holiday Ho-hum

Its seems to me that Holidays is something everyone dreads anymore. It wasn't even 24 hours after Halloween was over that a Christmas tree was up in Walmart. We all knew the Christmas lights were hiding the back corners of Target and craft stores already had Holiday crafty things available months in advanced; however, when the Christmas trees come out and music changes, we get depressed. Stores everywhere are starting to offer there special collections on sale or Holiday themed products, we begin to bite our nails.Thanksgiving is less than a month away which means Christmas is only 2 months away (take away a few days)!!! I can see everyone hiding in their cars sipping their StarBucks Peppermint latte's staring evilly at the mall.

No one seems to be happy about it  anymore. Sure stores is trying to expand their wallets and make everything commerical, but we don't have to follow them. And so what if the holiday season starts earlier, I say take advantage of the time! That means less time spent shopping and wrapping last minute and more time to focus on what really matters.

Instead of dreading and pretending you have nothing to fear, really make yourself fearless. If you dread cooking during the time of cheer, then make batches of cookies early and freeze them. Better yet, buy a tub of cookie dough and make them when you need them. You also don't have to make a turkey this year, just make a plan to pack up the car and so somewhere else. Sometimes spending the gas and time is worth it than spending the money and time at home.

And if you are one of those people who want to DIY everything from the cards to the wrapping paper to the each tree ornament, then start now! Pinterest is just waiting for you!!!
You don't have to hate everyone and be grumpy as you down another Pumpkin Spice latte. You can enjoy your latte and cozy scarves and go ahead and blast out to Jingle Bells!

If you already have been doing this since August then good for you!!!  Noone has the right burst your cheerful bubble or down play your excitement for the Holiday season. You are just ahead of the game and great planner.

I think if we just stop looking at the glass half full or half empty we can accept the bad and turn it into something positive and that everyone can enjoy.

Anyways until another day!


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