Wednesday, March 4, 2015

The Diaper Days

This post is more for an idea for moms' rather than artistically and tastefully done post, so please excuse the lack of luster photography. I just couldn't help but because as silly as this is, this spot is one of the most helpful spots in my home.

For the last 3 years I have been on diaper duty. Now that my son has turned 2, I realized that position will soon be ending as my my son gets older. As nice as it will be to no longer need diapers, I will kinda miss it. Its about 5 minutes I spend many times a day talking and giggling with my kids. 

For a time I was on double diaper duty since I have my daughter and son less than a year apart.
I could do both children in less than 5 minutes when I was rushed. But usually this was the time I spent with tickles and giggles, with the occasional tears, because of a really bad blow out and the smell was terrible! 

I still have a little time, but I am already missing the fact I won't have those random 5-10 minutes with my kids. I already miss with my daughter. She now in preschool and ready to play with her friend more than spending time with me.

This is little space in the hall right outside my bedroom was garden shelf I found at Hobby Lobby for 80% and it fit my diapers and wipes. Its right outside my door where my bed is and where I did the diaper business. It served my so well, because it was convient to grab what I needed right out in the open. Sadly soon that garden shelf we need to find a new purpose. (Maybe actually out in the garden!) 

Mamas' cherish these moments, because I am still learning it happens so fast. Time goes by before you know it and those tiny babies are growing up before you have time to catch up. Soon they will be able to take bath by the themselves, walk themselves to class, and eventually ready to walk their own paths. Give plenty of hugs and kisses and talk to them as often as possible.

Until another day. 


1 comment:

  1. it's hard to be a mom. Being a mother of a small child who needs to wear diapers is easier than being a mother of a child who needs help with a home task. but there is a good news - the best essay writing service (that also propose writing essay that has a type "essay about yourself"/"essay about myself") exists todayand helps moms with such a question!
