Sunday, November 23, 2014

Updates and Slow dates.

I wish I wrote more of late. It been very difficult the last few months since so much happened this year. I wish I could share it all. However, there are to many long stories, too many details, and just mentally tiring to try and rethink about it all. My parent divorce, my children getting older, many of my friends moving and/or having babies.
My sister is not engaged. My brother moved out of state after joining the Military. My husband has a new job. Lots of huge steps taken so fast I was unable to keep up.
But I have a new goal. As the holidays approach and the ever so wonderful New Year's, the holiday of purposely making breakable self promises, I have decied to blog at least twice a month for the Organic Poptart and whenver for my new one.

Also In am a business owner! I own small art gallery and gift shop!  More to post later!

I have another more artists blog running aside this one called, Go ahead and check it out. :)