Saturday, May 14, 2011

Pete the Timer

So as I begin my journies through motherhood, I knew it would be a huge change for me. I didn’t know what exactly would change, other than having a little person to care for 24/7, but I knew there would be big change. Now a couple days of into mominess, I have found there is a whole lot of change! And the one thing that has changed is time…In the beginning I was usually a pretty good self timer. I would go to bed about 10:30 -11 o’clock, wake up about 7 or 8 and start my day right off the bat! Since I took my shower at night, I would then just brush my hair, do my basic natural make-up, get dressed and the head upstairs to get ready for school. For the most part, I knew my class schedule by heart and would be able to get homework done in less than an hour after class was done. I pretty much ran on this internal clock. I really didn’t have set schedule that I followed, other than what the calendar might say, the every now and then doc appointment, a field trip, and of course the hours I had to go into work, but other than that, I pretty much followed this internal clock of mine and it worked out just great!
My homework was done on time and in neat fashion, I was always about 10 minutes early for class, spent loads of time with family and friends, and had tons of time for all the art I did…then you toss in a baby…..
*watches as the internal clock shatters off a cliff*
Pretty much the sentence above. It was gone. Completely. My wonderful clock has gone for good, I believe. Our little precious one came into our lives and my clocks went haywire. I was sleeping in spells, feeding her at odd times, not feeding her enough, and feeding her too much. It was all crazy! Now this was at the hospital so it could have been from drugs, and of course the nurses would never let the baby go hungry if I was asleep when she was fussing. However, even on the way home, I still lost my clock. MY PRECIOUS CLOCK! (but so worth giving up for our new little precious one!)
So luckily came the invention of the timer!!! I mean this thing really works! Its my accessory! I carry it around like I do my phone! I cling to it, like air almost. This timer has saved my insanity and sanity, and the tummy of our baby girl! I mean this cheap calculator looking timer, is such a blessing!
Since I have to feed our little girl every 3 hours 24/7 for the next couple of weeks, I needed something to keep track of these 3 hour periods. Right now my timer is doing his job…I think I will name him Pete! Pete the timer! So now Pete keeps me on track! Every 3 hours, my daughter is fed! During the rest of the time of those three hours after she eats, Pete faithfully keeps track of the time I have left to clean, tend to myself, and of course nap! I can shower! It’s a miracle!!! And my baby has a clean momi and a full belly and lots of sleep herself!
So that is pretty much it. Pete. Good new Pete, has become my best friend!
Anywhoalls. Talk to you all next time

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