Saturday, June 2, 2012

The wonderful bathroom floor!

So  I am late again to post and once again, without a picture! But hey today I do have a long post! As you all know from  my last post I am pregnant! Today is 9 weeks and counting! Baby due around Christmas, but that could change. Only God knows when  this baby is coming.
Anyways, speaking of pregnancy, this month June, shall be my month to post something about babies, tips excuses, help advise, or just a good story for you all to chuckle at me behind my back.
Like most mother's in your first trimester, you get the dreaded morning sickness. Which whoever named it "morning sickness" needs to be shot, because my prego belly doesn't seems to agree with this name when I am hugging the toilet at 3 in the afternoon and then again around 8 at my best friend's parent's house!!!
Anywhoalls, like my last pregnancy with my daughter, the bathroom became the favorite room in the house! That toilet I always kept spotless for whenever I had to dash across the apartment to spill my guts. And since after a sick session, the floor became my comfort. Ah! Cool tile floor! There is nothing like it after a spell of the stupidly named "morning sickness.
The warm shower afterwards! Then snuggling in a big fluffy towel. Now with a little one with me, I can't keep everything up, so I just take her with me. She sits laughing at mommy vomit then nap on the bathroom floor before she gets her 2-3 shower of the day with mommy! (She gets cleaned alot!)
So when someone asked me what is the first thing you should do when you get pregnant,  I said a few usual things. Call your doctor, tell your husband, celebrate, etc, but then go clean your bathroom and set it up, because it will be your little haven for the next 1-4 months, depending on how long the idiot named "morning sickness" lasts.
For me, I went out and  bought a nice bathroom rug to keep the floor comfy when I was napping there and after I step out of the shower and  I also started keeping up my towels  more often. I also started rolling them  up instead of folding them, because it was faster to fold laundry that way and a rolled up towel makes a great head rest when laying on the bathroom floor! If you don't have fluffy warm towels, now would be a good time to pick up at least one or two for yourself. A word of caution: Keep hidden somewhere safe, husbands think they can use you hoard of fluffy warm towels!!! I know the heathens!But just so everyone is safe, hide your towels!
And then always keep you bathroom clean. Nothing is worse than already being sick and then get sick again, because your bathroom looked like garbage truck dumped its load in there, before a hobo settled in it. (LOL!)
Personally for me, I just keep bleach around in there for quick cleans when I can and once week do a deep clean.
Then depending on who you are, you can keep nice scents in there. I love candles, but pregnant, I hate smell,accept for the fresh scent of outside, so I usually open the window during the day to keep fresh air flowing in.
Anywhoalls, I will post some pictures next post hopefully!
Enjoy the day!
Until another post!


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