Its like watching the elections again. Where best friends suddenly become enemies , because of opposing sides. Yet! As soon as the holiday shopping mess is over they are best buds again.
Shoppers, there is nothing wrong with a great deal. Absolutely nothing wrong with saving money. I don't care how many times people scream, "You're making people work a holiday!". Somebody somewhere always works the holidays. That is not a big deal. The big deal is that you become so unruly, you're willing to become a rabid wrestling gorilla for a ten dollar scarf and 30% off toys.It is your heart attitude of wanting to get the best and the most, even if it hurts someone. Don't hurt people over a cheap Blue-Ray player.
Now for those at home "spending time with the family." How is it you are spending time with family when you sitting your high horse thinking you are so good because you're not out shopping? I think your ego has over shadowed the family time. If the celebrating of holidays is about bashing people and trying to prove you're right, then that is not really celebrating the holidays. Bashing people on facebook is not going to change people. It will only makes them mad.Which if you think about it, might be small a reason why people go out to be rabid wrestling gorillas over a sale.
I mean did it ever cross your mind that some people really don't make enough money to afford certain things, eccept when the price drops on Black Friday? So if some parents are crazy enough to wait out in the cold for hours to get the chance to buy a singing Elmo for their child, that is their business. Get off your high horse, enjoy the music and sip your cocoa. Stop trying to find something to complain about and just enjoy the holidays!
Now that I have said that, people just be human and nice to each other. People who dare the Black FRiday shopping, please be patient and civil while out shopping. There is no need to be mean and rude. To those staying home, be glad you are home and warm enjoying your t.v. you could afford and good food. No need to complain.
Merry Christmas (YES! I said Merry Christmas before December! Get over it!)