Friday, February 14, 2014

Take Bac the Spirit of Giving - Happy Valentine's Day

Not much happens in February, just a strange man-made holiday that forces people to buy cheap cards for their kids to exchange and even pricier gifts for your significant other. At least this is what I hear from a lot the people around me. Honestly I think some of them are the same people who complain about Christmas coming early, but that is beside the point.

So what if it is a man-made holiday "forcing" people to buy gifts? (No one is threatening life, but somehow it is forcing.)  Who cares that people have to say something sweet to a loved one? What is so wrong with being loving? 

The problem is not the holiday, it is the commercialism, and that is something we deal with everyday. Every where we go, some big company has something to advertise in our faces trying to get us to buy things. And somehow we have let commercialism win. Not just purchasing, but letting them take our holidays.  We have let them grey our happy moments of giving. They have dulled our words, lowered out spirits, taken our joy and we let them do it.The fact is, yes big companies play their part, but we are mostly to blame. Instead of making Valentine's day our own, we become lazy, follow some predetermined route and then complain about...

Wake up!!! Be happy! Chocolates, flowers, dates, and gifts make no one happy. It is the heart behind it that does. It is the smile and joy one person has and it being freely given to another that make things awesome!

Now, I am not saying stop buying Hallmark cards. Some people don't have that special touch with words. I am not even saying stop buying the cheesy stuffed animals, or the overpriced chocolates. But stop and make your own choice. Maybe buy her favorite chocolates and then write her love in your own words. Or maybe make up his dream date night, or buy him the chocolates this round. (Its not midnight yet so there is still time. )

But stop wallowing in complaints and not wants, and do something you do want and enjoy giving something to someone you love. 

Put thought and heart behind your actions....

God bless
