Monday, April 6, 2015

Moment to Exist

All too often I feel like I am losing more days than I can count. My lists keep piling up and I lose sense of the direction I am suppose to be going in. My daughter, soon to be four, is still sleeping in my bed with me. I rather get more hours of sleep then less hours of sleep battling her to stay in bed. My son is not potty trained. I forced my daughter to be potty trained, because my son was coming soon. They are not even 2 years apart. I regret forcing her, but she mastered it quickly. I don't want to force my son, but I am reaching a point I can't always stand the diapers in the trash cans. (I know, I know. I just posted how I will miss those moments changing diapers with my son. I am a mom, and I tired right. I will miss those moments. I am just tired.)

So what to do? Make more lists? Call more friends for positive reinforcement? Text my mom or advice? Already did all that and I still feel at a lost, at least today. I want to curl up in bed and Pinterest for hours.....

*returns after a few hours*

Yeah I just did that. I stopped what I was doing, put the kids in front of the TV and spent and hour staring at Pinterest under my covers. It was a moment of perfect bliss!!! I needed to catch up on just letting my body rest. I needed to let myself think and not have it have a purpose or be useful. A moment to just be nothing and let my mind wonder.

I think we all need to do that sometimes. Just take a moment or an hour or even longer to just not put a purpose to something. Just exist for a moment and breathe.

Find that moment and take a deep breath.

God bless

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