Thursday, May 12, 2011

Organic Shampoo and Lotion...and the trouble!

Okidokie. So far as you may know, I like organic stuff. Not just food, but for others things as well. Especially things that are going to be used on me, or any of my family, and of course for little Strawberry DQ. Babies are so sensitive! Everything about them, makes the react, especially our Strawberry DQ, who has well…Anything that touches her makes her ready to scream! Unless you one of her men! Oh yes, she is very high maintenance! Only daddy, grandpas, and uncles can hold her and makes her perfectly happy! Maybe not all the time, but she sure does love her daddy, grandpas and uncles.
While shopping at in the baby section at Target, I was on the search for baby lotions, shampoos, and soap, pretty much anything that is going to be lathered on our little guy.
First thing on my list is to make sure it was organic or as close to it as possible. The reason for this, is like most, I don’t want a lot of cancer causing chemicals on the skin of our newborn! No parabens! No heavy perfumes, because they can contain petroleum products which block the absorption of water.
In all reality, babies are little and may need lots of attention, like some little one I am learning about; however, when it comes to bathing, babies really don’t need much. Now, I am no expert here! In no way did I spend a life time studying and became a doctor for this. This is just knowledge I know and looked into, while I was pregnant. So if I have something wrong, please tell me, if I sound stupid, just enjoy a good laugh at a new wify and momi learning how to handle her family.
Anyway, from what I have learned, babies really don’t need much for bathing. Really all they need water and a good baby sensitive soap. However, when you go into Target, you are not only greeted with just soap, you are greeted with 50 brands of one kind of shampoo, 50 brands of body soap, then body shampoo. Some shampoos have conditioners to go with them and other have a soap that goes with the soap. And then bath soap, tearfree shampoo, soap for new borns, and shampoo for toddlers! The isle is endless and the verity drives ya insane! Because you only turn around to see on the other side, the butt creams, the lotions, the creams for feet, the lotions for body, the lotions for the baby’s booty and all of those each of 50 brands of its own….okay breathe…*breathe*’
And you know what was the first thing that runs through my paranoid brain? How many of those have chemicals that could cause my baby to get cancer? Which one is going to give her a rash? Does she have sensitive skin as me? (I have very sensitive skin. I broke out to medical tape when in the labor at the hospital. *embarrassed look*) with each of those 50 brands, came 50 questions.
In the end, after much time and debate, I settled for a few selected brands of some organic and some not so organic and some that I just had to try before I judged. For a lotion I chose the common natural Bert’s Bee Baby Bee brand of Calming Lotion. I have only been using it for a few days I have had Strawberry DQ, but let me tell ya. I love it! It very soothing lotion that is very soft for baby skin and you don’t need to use a lot at all.
When I brought Strawberry DQ home, she started developing a rash on her poor booty. Now, as new momi, I didn’t think to grab my sample of the stuff called “Butt Paste” to try it out to see if it worked. I grabbed my lotion lathered a just little a bit on. And surprise! Her rash was almost gone before it began! The stuff also does as it says, “Calming.” Not just for baby, but mostly for me. As I mentioned above, I got a rash from the medical tape from the hospital, and so far this stuff as really soothed it and of course, being a new momi my paranoia and hormones have sky rocketed from here to heaven and beyond, and so this lotion really has driven me a down a few notches.
So from a dysfunctional wife, momi and artist, I really recommend this stuff!
Another thing I bought, but have yet to try, is the baby shampoo I got. California Baby Super Sensitive Shampoo and Body Wash! Just from my research, California Baby is great organic brand for babies. Expensive, for my 8.5 bottle, but I thought it was worth a try. $12 something dollars is expensive for me! So it better work! However, I don’t need to use a lot from what the bottle tells me and if it works well it keeps those parabens and cancer causing chemicals off my baby!
I posted a link to California Baby website. They have a lot of other stuff and the offer deals for bulk purchases if you like the stuff or tried it and can only find out in overpriced small bottles at Target or Babies r Us. If it works then great, I will post how great it is and how well it works; if it doesn’t…well I have a really expensive bottle of body wash to use on myself, so I should feel pampered! Or bamboozled that I spent that much!
Anyway, I do have a couple more things, but I can already see that my post got really long! So I hope you enjoy, check out my “awesome” lotion and shampoo/bodywash.

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