Monday, June 20, 2011

Ducks and boat load of randomness

This is just a post so I can ...well... post?
Not often to I not have nothing to post. Actually, I have plenty to post!. There is always something to post, even when there is nothing to post or blog about. You can blog about nothing!...Which is actually what I am doing now.
Anywhoalls, this post is really about specific randomness. Randomness that fills my dysfunctional fun filled life and only makes my life that tad bit more interesting.
It starts with little thing such a my ducky counsel that sits on the little shelf on my easel. Yes, those a bunch of tiny, different, colored rubber ducks I have collected. I guess these ducks would fall under my list of ''pretty' things I have. (Pretty things, my excuse for junk.)
More things that sit around my house doing nothing for no reason are the coke-cola tin boxes that are stuck to wall. They don't do anything. They don't hold anything. They are really just stuck to my wall to look pretty. Unlike my coca-cola crate that holds a lot of stuff on top of my fridge, like food! (That is all it holds is food. LOL.)
In all reality, my family would not be at interesting and awesome, if it wasn't full of all this randomness and weirdness. Hubby would never be the same if he wasn't so excited every year when free comic day came around to get that one tini free action figure to add to his collection or clap his hands and squeak when he heard his favorite super hero Green Lantern was getting his own live action movie! (Yippie! Woohoo! Gotta sounds excited, ya know.)
Or for our little girl who has a trunk for her toys. Literally she has a tree trunk shaped trunk that hold all her rattles and stuffed animals. ( I'll tell ya more about that trunk later.I made it from fabric and round foot stool. Its really cool actually


HEre is randomness from my house.


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