Saturday, September 10, 2011

Old time Photos

Did you ever like old time photos? Throwing on old clothes or just taking your everyday pictures and making them into black and white photos or sepia tone?
My siblings, my older sister and younger brother, (yes, I am the middle child) and poor dears they are, had to endure about 3 days of torture of me running through the bedrooms, diving into the closets to try and come up with close-enough-time-period-clothing to take pictures of them. I wasn't sure what time period, but as it turned out, they were from the 1920's or around that time.
My poor sister, had the worst. First, I tackled her and begged and pleaded, for her to allow me to take her pictures. Then I had to "bribe" her a bit so I could chose and raid her closet. In the end we go wonderful photos and here are just a few.
*lookes at her husband* I think I need new photos of you too
How I get the pictures to look like this is the free website is a free photoshop that allows to do pretty much anything to your photos. I found it by accident, but since then I am addicted to it.
*looks at her sister and borther-in-laws*....Hum.....hum......*evil grin*......
Anywhoalls. Just thought I would share some photos and my what I have been doing of late.
Until next time


1 comment:

  1. I love the photos! Your brother and sister are gorgeous as well.
