Saturday, June 16, 2012

Blue Baby blanket!!!

So its summer. Garden and crafting time! Time to pack away those dusty school books and break out the leisure reading and the crafts! Since I have a baby due December, I started back up crocheting. Since I dont know the gender yet and i am impatient to wait and find out i decided everything is going to be done bright turquoises blue!

Even my crochet is bright turquoises blue!
I am using an H hook Like picture below.
And by the up closeness of the picture you can see I am also using two different  of yarn. I thought it would be really cute to have different soft stripes of yarn. I am just doing single crochets around in rectangle, nothing too special. I really wanted to focus more on the soft yarns rather than pretty pattern. The blanket won't be too big. Just a little baby blanket. No specific length or size, just big enough to lay over little Kiwiseed when he or she pops out!

hope you enjoy it. Start crafting soon. July is almost here! nothing worse then wantning to start crafting and turn around you have to start school!!!!

until another day!


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