Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Christmas in AUgust begins!

So we are having a baby boy! and he is due around Christmas! So now I will start my get Christmas done before Christmas before baby is here series! Reason for this is I thought I might share my expiernce and tips and ideas I am trying out. :)

First make tons of lists and the make more....then schedule a little than make more lists!
 My present stack so far!
I carry a little blue book around with me in my purse, that has basic ruled paper in it. Here I wrote and list of people I need to get Christmas presents for. Each week I buy or make and wrap one present for one person on my list.
On another list I have christmas cards I need to send to people. I made my Christmas cards this year so I  made 2-3 a week. I have them all done, just needing to be addressed and sent off! Hopefully this gets done by end of November. My goal is to have everything done  by beginning of December so I can focus solely on baby. :) Lets see if I can make it!

And here are some examples of the cards I have made. I have made about 15 from scrap book paper and stamps and flowers and ribbons
I also have decided to nix the cookies this year and make candy. Caramel and fudge are on the list. I have not made those yet, but I need to make a test run batch. I am talking about soft chewy caramels and yummy fudge!!!  I'll post on my adventure making those. If I fail, just for those who are getting cookies, aka: the mail amn, Hubby's co-workers,ect etc. Just know you will then get store bought cookies arranged in tins to look like homemake cookies.....
Anyways, make more lists after this. Ingrediants need to be written down, and events need to listed then put on the calender. Find out anything as early as possible, because you will not have time find it or do it later when it comes near. I am still wondering if I should do Journey to Bethelham reanactment some local churchs do. Hopefully if it not too cold or I am not too big! EEP! October is Apple Butter Festival! and November is a CHristmas parade in the near  by town. That all I got planned so far. I keep you up to date.
Love you all and write that thought you just came up with down. You'll forget  it in 5...4..3..2..1....What were we talking about?
Oh yeah, until another day


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