Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Thanks! I am Awesome

 It was a recipe you found on Pinterest. After 2 hours shopping at the store, you spent 3 more slaving over a hot stove and oven for it to turn out perfectly. Just moments before your guests arrive you set a gorgeous table display (probably also from Pinterest), and your kids even decided that today they would be at their best. A few moments into the conversation with a good friend, she says,

"Oh my goodness! That looks great! You must have worked so hard! You are such a natural as these things."

You pause. The air enters your mouth to speak, but it takes another pause to form words.

"Oh! it is not that great. I just tried the recipe."

Seriously?! After working your butt off and you have to respond to a compliment with a negative jab at yourself. Rather you meant to brush off the remark or couldn't come up with some smart to reply back, it was an epic failure. If this was an attempt to be humble, you failed. You were already humble by not bragging about all your hard work.

Learn to take a compliment! There is nothing wrong with the reply,

"Thanks. I hope it tastes good!"

And if someone thinks you are being too boastful by a simple "Thank you", than that person over analytical.

By no means do I say start tooting your own horn when some makes a positive remark, but do not down play yourself like your hard work is worthless. You worked hard, a little pat on the back for your awesomeness, is fine. A simple thanks is the perfect answer to say you appreciate that someone is acknowledging your work.

Until another day


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