Thursday, January 29, 2015

The "Loud" Mom

I have always been the person in my family to rise before anyone else. I was the one singing, "Good morning! Good morning! Its great to stay up late!" to my friends in college and to jump on my brother to wake him up.

My days were spent filled with adventures and ideas. My passion overflowed in my emotions. I was the loud person.Not like I shout everything I say, but I am the person singing in the store. I am the one dancing in the car. I am also the one who can be loudest when I argue and when I feel heart break. And when my children came into my life my loud nature only become thundering.

Suddenly I was this large force with a loud voice. My children need me. They need my encouragement, my training, my guidance.

And its not just that they need, I need it as well. Me being a loud person, also means I am an emotional person. I feel my children's pain. I cry with them. I cry for them. I am happy with them and at times I am happy for them, even when they do something amazing, but they don't realize that yet.

It doesn't just go to my children, but to the people around me. When my husband calls from work, I talk fast and happy keeping his spirits high so he can handle the stressful shift of 5pm-1:30am in the morning. When my friends cry, I want hug them. When they are angry I want to fix their problems. I am loud because my filled with such a emotions I can't hold it all in. When I have an idea I want to share it If I have a new discovery I want people to know.

I am loud not to put on a  show. I am not here to prove a point. I am loud because I want people to share in the joys I have. I want people to feel free to sing in the store. I want mothers to know it okay to ridiculous with your children in front of everyone.

As cheesy as this sounds. Dance in the rain. Sing out loud and laugh so hard you can barely breathe. People may look. People may say something. They may even say, "You are loud."

Smile and be proud. You are the voice of encouragement and praise to your children. You are the force the protects from the bad. You the person laughing hard and putting smiles on the faces that matter most.

Be loud.

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