Monday, May 18, 2015

Simple Loving is Enough

"Sometimes saying nothing is best thing, and simply loving them is enough." My best friend once said this to me when I got all heated over something and had to tell my best friend about. What I love about my best friend is that though I want her to always agree with me and back me up with, "Yeah, let go tp that person's house, the one who cut you off today!" She doesn't. Half the time she gives a gentle correction, but mostly she says nothing letting me rant until I realize my problem wasn't really a problem.

Sometimes simply continuing to love someone is the best answer when someone does something wrong or makes mistake. People forget that mistakes can be very beautiful things. A single mom loves her child all the same, even if she didn't have "right" relationship done correctly. It is because of her mistakes she works harder and better.

For the thief, after prison realizing what he did was wrong so he wants to do better. Should he allows be considered a thief and hated by society for the rest of his life?

And maybe people in your life right now are making huge mistakes and you have the solution! You can prevent all their problems and fix them! However, what is more effective? Changing the person how you think is best? Or letting them learn from their mistakes and being their at the end to comfort them, by letting become better on their own?

When look back at how Jesus led his life. He wasn't on pulpit preaching loud and proud and pointing fingers. He spoke quietly, in parables and with gentle instruction. Vary rarely did He raise His voice or attack someone for their mistakes. He wasn't there emotion crushing them, making them doubt their faith. He led by example. How does crushing someone soul and heart help them? How destroying them spiritual and emotional effectively "fix" them?

If we go by Christ's example, we are to be loving and caring. We are to comfort those who need it. Weep with those who weep, rejoice with those who rejoice!  No we don't always have to agree, and sometimes there are moments to prevent someone from making huge mistakes, like toddlers reaching for hot pot,. But sometimes being silent and loving someone is enough.

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