Tuesday, June 7, 2011

My excuse for junk! Pretty things!

Pretty things.

There is just something about pretty things. They fill your homes, pop in and out of your life, and they somehow complete things; put that final touch to make something pretty to beautiful. I love what pretty thing do. (You will find I will use the word ‘pretty’a lot in this post.)
Now pretty thing sounds like a broad term, but I meaning more of a smaller concept. *oh know here she goes a long explanation again* Pretty things to me are thing that hold a small special value to you. the complete something, like a pretty thing could be a strand of pearls in your jewelry dish, or an old photo album on your coffee table, a goofy mug sitting forever in the corner of your house collecting your pennies, or for some people, it is that junk car in the driveway that is your ‘want-to-fix-it-but-never-get-to-it-project.’

These pretty things fill in the spaces and make thing well…pretty. (Pretty pretty pretty pretty pretty, can I say it anymore?!)

I was just talking about this, cause I was noticing the pretty thing that help make up my apartment. Like the card I received from a dear friend, sitting on top of red microwave. Even though I could have it in some pretty photo album, or stashed away in a nice keepsake box, I keep it there cause I like to read from time over again.
Another pretty thing is the candy bowl by the toaster on my dining table. (Yes, my place is small so toaster goes on table!) It a coca-cola bowl that matches two others like it, but this one is the smallest and sits on my table full of odd candies for my hubby to eat. Drives me insane how much candy he eats, but that bowl is like his own ‘pretty’ (there’s that word!) that shows he has something that he likes and cherishes catered to him.

More pretty things fill my home from my grandmother’s purple crocheted blanket on my partial made bed to the my favorite wooden spoon that I hardly use, but only for those perfect-just-right-dishes, which come only like*thinks a moment* in a purple paisley moon. These things all hold a special meaning in our house, which is why we act sorta funny around them.

My collection of pretty things ( if I say pretty enough you all will be saying it! BWAHAHAHAHA!!) just doesn’t stop there. It expands to my daughter’s window sill, with a butterfly music box and two artistic green vases. There is an old chime hanging on my front porch that used to my grandmother’s along with a transformer head shaped cup sitting on my movie shelf! (this hold no importance to me, other than my husband loves it.) And there is a stack of prĂȘt- uh I mean ‘nice’ paper scraps I have in a box that float around the apartment….
Okay, maybe some of this is just an excuse to keep junk around, but hey it my home.

Anywhoalls. Just a short PRETTY post today! Got some pictures up too!


And a random picture of baby!

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