Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Update of life and Christmas

So, from my last post and probably from all the red and green decoration being put up you all know its now coming the Holiday times. *sigh* We must accept it and hold out heads up high as we head into the the unknown fate of the known fate that awaits us. ANd what also makes this holiday season a little hardy. Hubby Man will be heading into the air-force. :( SAd, but exciting! Strawberry's daddy is going to be an airman! Prayers from him will most appreciated, but also lots of love!

Its going to be big adventure this coming year as well hard around Christmas, because I am sure not even my ninjas can take on Christmas.

No worries though! First the turkey, then Christmas! *put on ninja suit* We can do this! So 48 days to stock up, pile up, pack up Hubby Man, Pictures done, letters ready! We can do this!!! *refuses to give the urge to hide*

You all beware! Crazy artist momi coming through and well...I not sure what I will be end up doing! :D Anywhoalls

Enjoy my rant!


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