Friday, January 13, 2012

Because Twiligh wasn't enough!

So there is the four Twilight movies, Vampire diaries, Blood Ties, Vampire Knight for you anime fans, etc. The list of popular vampire movies, books and shows is almost endless. And with this whole vampire theme comes every vampire fan version of vampire story. Now you really have some talented writer out there who can really make a vampire story sound great, but….sad to say there is a lot that leaves much to be desired. For some reason some teenage girl ends up one way or another getting together with some random vampire dude and that is all okay with the rest of the world! Usually these stories involve the themes of kidnapping, forcing to marry and apparently the girl being not so popular in school even though she is gorgeous enough for not just a vampire, mind you, a prince or king or even a pirate vampire to love her!!!
So I couldn’t help myself but write my own version of one of these stories and share it with you all for a good laugh. This meant to be funny. J

So here it goes. Right now I am going to describe what I look like to this invisible audience who just has to hear my story of how I got kidnapped and forced to marry a vampire. But don’t worry I secretly fall in love with him, but I deny throughout this entire story, because I am emotionally damaged. I am such a gorgeous haunting beauty. I have long naturally black raven hair with dyed white streaks, not sure why I put those in my hair, but I did it anyway. I have very pale skin like a vampire (Go figure!)  And I am petite. Also did I mention the whole school is full of stupid people who think I am just an ordinary ugly girl for no apparent reason!
            So like I get dressed in a black shirt, jeans and converse. And I am wearing this necklace that apparently all these years I have worn it had no idea it was a pendant the signaled me to be vampire bride. I go downstairs to eat breakfast where of course, my parents argue and somehow have conspiracy against me because no real parents love their children. Oh did I also mention the reason why I wear the necklace is because my hateful parents gave it to me as gift and have me engaged to a vampire. (Now don’t think my parents loved me at one point. Evil parents always give gifts to their unwanted and unloved children!)
            So after breakfast I head to school alone, because I am so ordinary I have no friends what so ever. Suddenly out of nowhere a boy appears before me. Now here I am going to describe him all in one scene right before I am knocked unconious, because that it how it works!
            He was tall dark and handsome. He flashed a devilish smile which revealed his fangs. I only knew it a vampire! I knew this day would one day come! No! It couldn’t be a pervert wearing plastic vampire fangs. It has to be a real vampire!
            “Hello, Veronica! I have come to kidnap you!” Now instead of doing a sensible thing like run for my life, because that would be idiotic. I ask, “Who are you and how to know my name?”
            Before I knew it, he grabbed my arm and yanked me against me so our lips met in this long passionate kiss, (which probably started my emotional problems.) I black out the next moment. Must have been the over whelming energy and magic of a vampire that knocked me out.
            I wake up now in bedroom, that is elegantly furnished to my taste! Like all very normal teens I like gothic, Victorian style stuff that is all done in black and white and red with big burning fireplace in the center of one wall.
            Suddenly the boy from before who kidnapped me burst through the door and strides over to the bed proclaiming when he reaches me, “Goodmoring! You have been asleep for days now! (Must have been that vampire energy!) You are mine and we are to be married!”
            Once again, I come to my feet, now realizing I am magically dressed in an out of time clothes with a tight corset, because vampires like their girls in corsets. I yell back! “No where am I? Who are you? And what am I? Take me home!”
            “No! This is your home! Do you not know?” Obviously not! “Your parents sold you to my family to be my bride! You are now mine!”
I gasp! I should have know all this time my parents had a conspiracy to sell me to vampires to be a bride! Because that is what all evil parents do to their unwanted 16 year old daughters, who are gorgeous, but unpopular! The terror and shock!!!!!!
            “Never! I don’t love you! “
            “But you will learn to love me.”
For weeks now, I do nothing but stick in my room because the mansion is too dangerous to walk about with my vampire beau. Now of course, how rude of me to ever think that these filthy rich vampires could pay for like T.V. or books for entertainment while I remain bored in my room, but that is asking too much.
Then on random whim I decide to leave me room! And found the door unlocked all this time! I wonder around aimlessly until I suddenly captured by guard vampires who are about to suck my blood, because they have been yet to be informed of my bringing here. Suddenly from nowhere my vampire fiancée shows up to save my butt!
“Your majesty! Prince Aiden!” They bow! (Now I know his name!)
“She is my bride! And to be your future queen!”
Aiden take my hand and leads to a magical garden because now I am allowed outside! There he confesses his love, but I too confused! To hurt that he kidnapped me from my painful of my ever “so adoring parents” who sold me to him. Do I love him? Do I not?
Days and months pass and often we meet unexpectedly and we talk about love and we kiss often and yet I still don’t love him! The pain! From him kidnapping me! It scared me deep!
It’s not until an enemy vampire shows up and wants to kidnap me! Oh the shock and horror! Aiden and the evil man battle it! They fight right there in the mason and gardens, crashing through walls and window, demolishing the house. Luckily the guards and servants from before had the day off which is why no one came to help their future king and in denial queen!
Oh no! The enemy strikes Aiden down and runs away, completely forgetting to kidnap me. (Must have been in a hurry for dentist appointment!) I didn’t realize until now, but I love him! Now crying I hold him and cry, because I am helpless to save him! Magically though my blood is just what he needs to save him! But on the chance I will be turned to a vampire! He doesn’t want to force me! He only forced a marriage on me, because he loved me!!! Don’t mind the fact my evil parents sold me to them for nothing! How kind of him! He truly loves me! I am willing to make the sacrifice! And he bites my neck!  He is saved and whisks me in his arms to go to the counsel which magically appears so we can be married and be made king and queen of the vampires! And we lived happily ever after forever and forever!

And my best vampire expression! 

 Until next time! 


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