Monday, January 2, 2012

My New Year Resolution

So a new year has come and old one has gone. Like everyone else in the world, I have decided to post some new years resolustion of my own which I hope (prayer and plead to the LORD,) to accomplish. So here's my lists

Keep up with growing my nails out long and strong... okay confession I was a nail biter
Lose 20 pounds. I have been working on this one for awhile since my daughter was born, but this year I plan to work harder on this one
Plan more romantic evening at home with Hubby man once he comes home or I see him. I feel like I failed him on this one, since he left for bootcamp so I plan to work on this. New recipes mean more blog posts on the Artistpantry! Which mean I am killing two birds with one stone! Then taking that stone and making soup! And roasting those plump birds with veggies!!!!! Maybe I am carrying myself away here. :P
Find the lost socks of my daughter's. I swear I always put two socks on her. One on each foot and somehow that left foot loses it's sock! Maybe I live a government facility made to look like real life and they want to see how human mental reaction when weird stuff like missing socks happen or maybe they are controlling my brain to make me think I am putting on two socks but in reality it is only one!!! Conspiracy! I tell, something is not right. (Ninjas come from nowhere to try and confiscate my computer to keep me from posting this post, but no worries my ninja squirrels are taking care of them!)
I want to travel. I know everyone probably says this one. And I am pretty sure it wont come true, but I can dream!
Teach my daughter to say "ma-ma" because she has "da-da" down good, :) I know ending good" in a sentence is bad grammar.
Use better grammar, see sentence above.
Try a new fishy food. I have always thought fishy food, was sissy food. I like my steaks and beacon, but Hubby like that stuff along with fish, so I have try fishy nasty scally bug eyed food!
Make it to 20-12 and laugh at everyone.
Keep up with my daily Bible study. Long short, depth or confuzzlilating, I have had bad habit of not coming together with my Lord, and this year I plan on working on that!

Anywhoalls, I hope you all have great success with your own resolutions. God bless you all!


And a random adorble picture of my daughter during Christmas!

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