Monday, March 5, 2012

March Update on Life and mother's day list!

So it March! Yippie! Spring it in the air! You can feel it in your toes! The Daffodils are blooming and your hair looks like it had wacked up blow job. *keeps brushing hair*
So a brief update on my life! So far I have signed up to run half a marathon on April 15th. For those who know me, I have never ran a marathon before, much less did running at all. But with God’s grace I can least crawl across the finish line and saw I did 13 miles!! In the end its for a Charity called Run for Her which through the organization called As Our Own.
I’ll post a link bellow and a link if you would like to make donations to sponsor me. I would like to raise 500 dollars for the girl named Ratna in India. Details are the link below.

Another thing, is little baby girls is learning to crawl! Has her first tooth. Top teeth are coming in. My last wisdom tooth is coming in and hurting. Hubby Man is doing good, keeping up with 40 push up a day. And over life is normal!
But also planning a 1st birthday party, themed Lisa Frank style as you can tell from my last post. Hehe, I getting carried away with it, but it should be fun!

Also coming soon is mother’s day! Yippie! I have decided as I was writing this to make a list of ideas, which would be great gifts for those who have no idea how to shop for their mother and where tired of getting ideas from a yahoo article!
First would be my favorite.
A picture charm bracelet. This is sweet and personal. Put a picture of yourself, all your sibs, or grandbabies, whoever. Cute and affordable!
 This one I made myself. I making these to put on etsy. But you can buy one in a store, but to make one yourself is relatively easy as well! :) Supplies can be found at Hobby Lobby :)

Another great idea would be these things called diamond candles. This is 25.00 plus shipping so a bit pricer then most things, but still worth it. It soy candle with great scents you can choose from. And the cool part about is at the bottom of the candle is a diamond ring worth from 10-5000 dollars. I just wanted to try it out so I ordered this Chocolate truffle one to try it out. (No I am not being sponsered to advertise this. Too poor and little blog for that. :) There is a below the picture. And I will post a picture of the ring I get whenever I melt my candle. Don't be tempted to dig an damage your candle. For 25 bucks at least enjoy the smell!

Also a great idea, since I am shopping online is this idea called birch box. Again I am not sponsdered for this, but for the make-up guru mom, like mine, this is great. Also easy on the wallet! You pay 10 dollar a month, or just 10 bucks one time to purchase this box, which is delivered to your house with 4-5 high end make-up items you get to try out. And you are not getting this itty-bitty sample. You get a full size or at least enough to try out for a weak. Link is below

Another and always classic gift is flowers. Everyone loves flowers and they are so sweet to receive. I m such a sucker for flowers I got to walmart and purchase those cheap 5 dollar bouquets just for the fun of it. The price is pretty much whatever you can spend. Not to expensive if on a tight budget or you can get really big exotic flower if you have extra to spend. 
In the end, just show your apprectian to your mom on her day. 
The best kind are though homemade cards, drawing, music, etc given from little kiddos! hehe so cute to see them put their hard and soul into their gifts. Anywhoaalls, I know I skipped over Easter, but I am in denile that Easter is coming up.
Until another page. 


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