Thursday, June 13, 2013

Spending my days

Now I am no parental expert. My kids are 2 years and 6 months. But from the little time I have been parent, I have learned a lot.

One is women do a whole lot more and a whole lot less at the same time. What that mean is, I went from doing 10 art project, work, being a wife, and student in one day, to spending my entire day sitting with my daughter coloring pictures and keeping her from throwing things at her brother. That may seem like I do nothing all day, but those little thing entitle em to teach my daughter her colors, have the chance to teach her name and her words, teach her to treat her brother lovingly, to give hugs and kisses, to share her crayons, don't draw on the wall, don't draw on the floor and most definatley do not draw on yourself....nor your brother.

Between diaper changes and feeding, I have to wrestle her, because she wants to go comando. And then chase her away because she wants to back to nursing when she sees her brother chowing down. With Theo still little enough to nurse it is easy to keep him in the swing, but guess what he now is learning to sit up, so it more floor time, than swing time now.

My back aches because I sit and lay on the floor more than I stand, my meals consist of what my daughter eats, grant it she's a vegghead, but still would like a eat a meal without little hand eating off my plate. 

So yes, I may only be doodling on the floor with my children, but those are my busiest days, but also my most enjoyable!

Until another day


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